Stručni skup "GeoAI – geoinformacije i umjetna inteligencija"
Early Modern Nautical Charts: Information Sources, Navigation Means and Communication Media
More information about the conference you can find here.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024

International cartographic exhibition
First award to Croatia for a floor map produced by the State Geodetic Administration. International cartographic exhibition, category Educational products, Cape Town 2023
Radionica Tematska kartografija održat će se 28-29. lipnja 2023. na hibridan način, tj. uz sudjelovanje osobno u Osijeku ili online. Radionica je namijenjena svima koji žele obnoviti i proširiti svoja znanja iz kartografije.
Radionica je uvrštena u program stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika i učitelja te u program stručnog usavršavanja ovlaštenih inženjera geodezije, gdje je vrednovana s 8 akademskih sati.
Program radionice možete pogledati na web stranicama radionice.
International Cartographic Conference in Florence in 2021

Magda Oswald won 2nd place in the category from 9 to 12 years in the 2021 children's World Map Competition at the International Cartographic Conference in Florence for her "Planet of the Future".
20th anniversary of the Croatian Cartographic Society

Dictionary of Cartography
2500 terms with definitions in Croatian
Synonyms in English, German and French
337 pages
Croatian Cartographic Society
Dominović d.o.o.
Price: 290,00 HRK

20. godišnja skupština Hrvatskoga kartografskog društva
održat će se 5. prosinca 2019. s početkom u 17:00 sati u Vijećnici AGG fakulteta, Kačićeva 26, u Zagrebu. Započet će predavanjem prof. emer. Miljenka Lapainea: Tokio 2019.
Prijedlog dnevnoga reda:1. Utvrđivanje dnevnoga reda
2. Ovjera zapisnika s 19. godišnje skupštine (vidi KiG br. 30, str. 130–135)
3. Izvještaj predsjednika o radu HKD-a u 2019. godini
4. Financijski izvještaj za 2019. godinu
5. Izvještaj Nadzornog odbora
6. Izbori tijela HKD-a za razdoblje 2020.–2021.
7. Plan rada za 2020. godinu
8. Financijski plan za 2020. godinu
9. Dodjela Zahvalnice i Priznanja HKD-a
10. Ostalo
Dobro došli!
18. rođendan /18th Birthday
Hrvatsko kartografsko društvo osnovano je 10. listopada 2001. godine
Croatian Cartographic Society was founded on 10 October 2001
Cartography in Croatia 2015-2019
Here you can download and read Cartography in Croatia 2015-2019, National Report.
Croatian Cartographic Society congratulates World GIS Day!

“Geo4All” Lab of the Month – University of Zagreb, Croatia
Open Source Geospatial Lab (OSGL) of the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Croatia is presented on the website of ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies.
The text will be posted in the Newsletter of "GeoForAll". "Geo for All" is the Open Source Geospatial Foundation's Open Educational outreach with our partners worldwide with the mission for making geospatial education and opportunities accessible to all.
The Syrian refugee crisis across Europe
Digital library of the National and University Library was publshed at Over 600 units of cartographic material and other funds are currently available, including all maps from the Novak Collection published prior to 1945, old maps of Croatia and neighbouring countries from the 16th to the 19th century, several plans of Croatian cities, Napoleon's atlas with report and several manuscript maps.
Symposium on Engineering Geodesy (SIG 2016)
Croatian Geodetic Society, in cooperation with the Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb, organizes the SIG 2016 – Symposium on Engineering Geodesy, which will be held in Varaždin, Croatia from 20th to 22nd May 2016.
More information you can find on the conference website and in the attached document.