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INSPIRE Directive in Public Administration Bodies in the Republic of Croatia – How to Work and Collaborate

Zoran ŠIKIĆ, Jasminka DRAŽENOVIĆ, Ministry of Culture of the Repuiblic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia

Governemental bodies, i.e ministries, state institutions and agencies have had large amount of GIS data in their own domain, but until now usually haven’t exchanged them. According to our new agreement with the State Geodetic Administration (SGA), the Ministry of Culture (MoC) is concerned with activities from both sides and jurisdiction of MoC and SGA, concerning spatial data, registration of special regimes of protection and IT. They have mutual interest for accessing reliable, updated spatial data demonstrating protected areas of cultural and natural heritage in a unique, standardized way with international standards. Such spatial data are important to public knowledge and as well for all professionals in the protection institutions and for sharing with other public bodies and local self-government.

Keywords: INSPIRE directive, spatial data exchange

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