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SDI Days

25.09.2012. - 29.09.2012.

So far, three NSDI and INSPIRE days were organized in Varaždin, Opatija and Split and 8 Cartography and Geoinformation Conferences. Motivated by the great interest at last year's conferences and the need to promote knowledge on spatial information, the organizers would like to emphasize activities at the regional level this year, i.e. the area of the South Eastern Europe.

This year, as part of the project INSPIRATION – Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Western Balkans, the event includes the 1st regional INSPIRE forum and 2nd regional INSPIRE training. Project INSPIRATION is a regional project
funded by the European Union’s Multi‐Beneficiary Programme with a purpose to promote SDI and further coordinate its implementation in the seven South-Eastern Europe countries.

A wide range of topics on the SDI Days and distinguished keynote speakers guarantee interesting lectures and an up-to-date approach.

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