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Prof. Drago Novak, M.D. passed away


Prof. Drago Novak, M.D., renowned radiologist and scientist, passed away on Friday, March 26, 2011. He was a passionate collector of maps representing Croatia.

Short biography of Prof. Drago Novak, M.D.

Prof. Dr. Med. Dragutin Novak was a physician and scientist, a traveller and a citizen of the world, a cartographer and a collector of old maps of Croatia, a sympathizer of fine arts. Dragutin Novak was born in Ðurđevac on 20th March, 1933. He finished primary school and lower classes of high school in his hometown, and he graduated from high school in Koprivnica. In the academic year 1952/53 he started to study at the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb and graduated within a due time, in 1957. He started working immediately as a junior practitioner in Rijeka, but had to interrupt his trainee period because of the army service in Banja Luka.

Later on he went to Germany, to Duisburg. From 1961 to 1963 he specialized in surgery at St. Vincenz Hospital. He continued his specialization in Hamburg, and in the University Clinic in that town he started his specialization in radiology. In 1976 he finished his specialization, became a senior lecturer, got his venia legendi, and in 1977 he was granted the title of radiology professor. In the period between 1976 and 1980, he was a director of the Central Institute for Radiology in Ludwigshafen. Between 1980 and 1984 he founded he was a director in Janker clinic in Bonn for Röntgen diagnostics. In 1984 he founded his own Institute for Radiological Diagnostics and Nuclear Medicine in Bonn (CT, MRI, US, NUC). He was retired in the year 2001 and lived in Čakovec.

He initiated and organized IMCos (International Map Collectors' Society) symposium in Zagreb and Dubrovnik in 1988. He organized workshops in Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1988 on "Maps as historical documents" and "Maps, wars and borders". With maps from his collection he participated on exhibitions "Five centuries of maps and charts of Croatia" (Museum of arts and crafts, 1988) and "Borders of Croatia on maps from 12th to 20th century" (Museum for arts and crafts, 1992). He was also a co-editor of the monograph "Five Centuries of Maps and Charts of Croatia". He was a member of International Map Collectors' Society (IMCoS).

Sources: KiG, No. 2, 2003 and Croatian Cartographers, 2009, Golden Marketing - Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb

Read the interview with Prof. Drago Novak on the occasion of his 70th birthday (Cartography and Geoinformation, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2003, 198-205).

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