Registration for 16th international conference Geoinformation and Cartography

Please register online prior to September 10, 2020. The number of participants is limited.


Please add 9 and 8.

** This field is required.



Registration fee A is 1900 HRK includes participation on all four days, conference materials, lunches and two guided tours.
Registration fee B is 1200 HRK and includes participation on the first three days, conference materials and lunches. The Plitvice Lakes National Park tour is not included.
Registration fee C is 900 HRK and includes participation on the first day only, conference materials and lunche.
Registration fee D is 450 HRK and includes online participation on the first day.
Early registration by September 1 gives a 10% discount.
Members of the Croatian Cartographic Society have a 10% discount.
The first 10 students who register for the conference do not have to pay the registration fee. Students, retired people and others can receive discount if they write a request to the organizer.
The fee is to be paid on account of the Croatian Cartographic Society, Zagrebačka banka, IBAN HR6723600001101509436.
Proof of payment has to be sent to the organizer by September 10, 2020.
Members of the Croatian Chamber of Chartered Engineers of Geodesy are going to get 16 points for participating in the conference.
The Croatian Cartographic Society is not a part of the PDV system (VAT).